Restaurant Planken Wambuis



Verlengde Arnhemseweg 146
6718 SM Ede
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The restaurant has a large car park with free parking. The chefs work with fresh ingredients and products, many of which are also organic, which they source from local suppliers and farmers whenever possible. So you can literally get a taste of the region during your lunch or evening meal. The coffee, dairy products, bread and veal are all organic and the restaurant works with many products sourced in Arnhem, Ede, Wekerom, Lunteren and Otterlo.

The menu is reasonably priced and Planken Wambuis provides an atmospheric setting including comfortable leather armchairs by the open fireplace. Other features include a bar, Wi-Fi, a separate area for groups, birthdays, high-tea or high-wine deals, a conference room with its own facilities, charging stations for electric bikes, a splendid (sheltered) patio garden, an outdoor children’s playground and a varied menu including kids’ and vegetarian options.

Open 7 days a week, free parking!
